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ab hier geht es los

AUF!leben questionnaire


Thank you for taking part in the AUF!leben questionnaire!

We are interested in how you are doing and how you are feeling, which means there are no right or wrong answers.

Please read each sentence and tick the answer that is true for you:

I feel good today.

means that the sentence does not apply to you at all.

means that the sentence does not apply to you that much.

means that the sentence somewhat applies to you.

means that the sentence fully applies to you. If you want to change your answer, please completely fill in the box of the incorrect answer and tick the correct answer instead:

Please read each sentence and click on the answer that is true for you:

Not true at all

Not very true

Some-what true

Comple-tely true

If you are not sure about a question, please tick the one that most applies.

Important: The questionnaire is voluntary and we never ask you for your name. This means that no one knows your personal responses.

To allow us to sort and compare the questionnaires without names, we need a code that only you know.

This is how the code is constructed: 1. First 2 letters of your mother's first name 2. First 2 digits of your mother's birthday 3. First 2 digits of your birthday Example: If your mother's name is Maria and she was born on 16 August, and you were born on 7 August, then the code is Ma1607.

First, we need some information about you.

How old are you? Please enter a number.

__ __ years

What is your gender?




I prefer not to say.

How do you live? I live…

… on my own.

… with my family.

… with a foster family.

… in assisted living.

… with a partner.

… in shared accommodation.

… in an emergency shelter.

… in a different kind of home.

What do you mainly do? I…

… go to a day care centre.

… go to school.

… go to university.

… am doing an apprenticeship.

… attend a training course.

… perform volunteer services or hold an honorary position.

… am employed.

… am looking for work at home.

… get by, for example, by begging or helping out here and there.

This is about AUF!leben.

Overall, how satisfied are you with the services provided by AUF!leben?

Not satisfied at all

Not very satisfied

Somewhat satisfied

Completely satisfied

Now we have a few questions about how you are doing and how you are feeling.

Please tick the extent to which the sentence applies to you.

I usually manage everything somehow.

When something bad happens to me, I recover from it quickly.

I usually get through difficult times without much trouble.

When things get difficult, I often come up with ideas on how to manage.

When something works out, it's because I'm good at it.

I'm not thrown off course easily.

I like myself the way I am.

I don't think I am easily intimidated.

I take things as they come.

I do not dwell on things that I cannot change.

I think problems are an important part of life.

I believe that I can learn a lot from difficult situations.

I can get through difficult times because I know I've done it before.

Even when something looks hopeless, I don't give up.

I find something to laugh about in most things.

I can handle it when someone doesn't like me.

I don't mind if others have a different opinion than I do.

I like to learn new things.

Whatever happens, I can see the good side of it.

If you think back to the time before AUF!leben. How have things changed since then with regard to…

… how well you cope with problems without them throwing you off track?

Much worse

A little worse

Exactly the same

A little better

Much better

Some of the people around me are much more balanced than I am.

My mood often changes from one day to the next.

My mood often changes several times a day.

I am not usually easily upset.

I rarely get flustered when something goes wrong.

I am almost always in the same good mood.

… how much your mood changes, even when it's just about minor things?

This is about how you are doing in your life.

I think I have a good future.

I have clear goals in my life.

My life is exactly as I would like it to be.

I can decide for myself how to live my life.

I can generally find my way around quite well in my life.

I have everything under control in my life.

I do what I do every day for a reason.

I feel that others consider what I do important.

If you think about the past week. How often were you…

… completely happy?

… in a good mood?

… full of energy?

… well balanced?

… anxious?

… full of worries?

… stressed out?

… sad or in low spirits?

… lonely?

Overall, how satisfied are you with…

… your life?

… yourself?

… your free time?

… your health?

… your friends, acquaintances, neighbours and other people important to you?

… your family?

… the money you have, such as for clothes or the cinema?

… the money you have for yourself, such as for clothes or the cinema?

… your home and the area where you live?

… your school?

… your day care centre/ school?

… your degree course, your apprenticeship, your training course, your voluntary service or honorary position, your job?

… how you are doing in your life?

This is about your health.

How would you describe your general state of health?


Not that good


Very good

How does your health compare with others your age?

Much worse

A little worse

About the same

A little better

Much better

Do you smoke?



Do you take drugs, such as weed, narcotics or stimulants?

This is about your health and your diet.

Please tick how often you eat fruit, vegetables, etc.

Fruit, such as apples or bananas

Vegetables, such as cucumber or bell peppers

Fruit or vegetable juices, such as smoothies or apple juice

Sweets, such as chocolate or jelly babies

Snacks, such as crisps or peanuts

Soft drinks, such as cola or Fanta

Energy drinks, such as Mate or Redbull

Alcohol, such as beer or spirits


1 to 2 days a week

3 to 5 days a week

6 to 7 days a week

Please tick when you eat fruit, vegetables, etc.

For example: If you eat fruit in the morning for breakfast and in the evening for dinner, then please tick "Morning" and "Evening".



After- noon


… how healthy your diet is?

I know that I can eat a healthy diet if I want to.

When I decide to eat a healthy diet, I can do it.

I can say no to unhealthy foods even when they're really delicious.

If someone were to explain to me what a healthy diet is, I'd be more inclined to do it.

I have made the firm decision to eat a healthy diet in the future.

For me a healthy diet is…

… important

… annoying

… complicated

… good

… how important is it to you to eat a healthy diet, even if it's difficult sometimes?

This is about your health and exercise.

Please tick how often …

… you exercise until you break a sweat or are out of breath, such as running, climbing, cycling.

… you do sports.

… you ride your bike to the day care centre. … you ride your bike to school?

… you ride your bike to university, to your apprenticeship, to the training course, to the volunteer service or honorary position, to work?… you go shopping by bike?

… you walk to school? … you walk to university, to your apprenticeship, to the training course, to the volunteer service or honorary position, to work? … you go shopping on foot?

Approximately how many hours a week do you exercise? Please enter a number?

_ _ hours

How much exercise do you do compared with others your age?

Much less

A little less

About the same

A little more

Much more

… how much you exercise?

I am sure that if I want to I can really push myself when it comes to exercise.

When I decide to do a lot of exercise, I do it.

I can talk myself into exercising even when I'm really lazy.

Whenever possible, I take the stairs rather than the escalator or lift.

I firmly intend to get a lot of exercise in the future, such as taking the bike instead of the car or bus. Please tick the extent to which the sentence applies to you. For me, sports and exercise are…

… important

… annoying

… difficult

… good

… how important is it to you to get a lot of exercise, even if it's difficult sometimes?

And now a few questions about your general state of health.

I feel physically healthy.

I don't get out of breath easily.

I like my body.

I feel fit.

I have endurance, for example, when running.

I am happy with my body.

I feel comfortable in my own skin.

If you think about the past week. How often…

… how often did you feel sick and could not go to school. … how often did you feel sick and could not go to university, to your apprenticeship, to the training course, to the volunteer service or honorary position, to work. … were you were tired and worn-out.

… did you get tired unusually quickly.

… did you have a headache.

… did you have a stomach ache.

… did you feel nauseous.

… did you have no appetite.

… did you feel light-headed.

… did you feel dizzy.

… did you have back pain.

… did you have severe palpitations or stabbing pains in the chest.

… did you suddenly feel cold or hot.

… did you cry.

… how you feel physically?

This is about your relationships with other people in your life – at school, in your leisure time and in your circle of friends.

This is about your relationships with other people in your life – in your leisure time and in your circle of friends.

This is about your relationships with other people in your life – at day care centre, at school, in your leisure time and in your circle of friends.

This is about your relationships with other people in your life – at university, at the apprenticeship, at the training course, at the voluntary service or the honorary position, at work, in your leisure time and in your circle of friends.

Please tick the extent to which the sentence applies to you. In my life…

… I have the feeling of being needed.

… I feel accepted by others.

… there are people I can rely on.

… I feel safe.

… I have a good time.

… I feel loved by others.

… I feel comfortable.

… how things are going with other people in your life?

Here are some questions about how you get along with other people.

When someone attacks me, I know what to do.

I always try to be nice to others.

Other people my age like me.

I get along better with older people than with people my own age.

I am good at making friends.

I help others when they need help.

Before I do something, I think about it.

I can understand how others feel.

I like to share with others.

I can give advice without telling them what to do.

If someone genuinely apologises, everything is okay again for me.

If I have to wait, I wait until it's my turn.

I am happy when I win, but I'm also good at losing.

I am good at explaining to others how I feel.

When others treat me unfairly, I tell them to stop.

I make sure that others are okay.

I feel offended when someone tells me I've done something wrong.

I play by the rules.

I take part in things even when they are not exactly how I went them to be.

When other people argue, I remind them of the rules of how to treat each other well.

I can tell when I've done something wrong.

I listen when others tell me something.

… how well you get along with other people?

This is about how you deal with your feelings.

When I'm upset, I'm good at calming myself down.

If I want something and don't get it straight away, I can wait.

When I'm sad, I know what to do to make myself feel better.

When I am angry, I'm still able to talk to others.

I can pull myself together when I'm angry.

When something gets boring, I know how to make it fun again.

When I have a boring chore to do, I usually do something else first.

When I have a lot of important things to do, I often think about where to start.

When I really want to do two things, but can only do one of them, I often find it difficult to forget the other thing.

I always finish what I start.

I get easily distracted, even when I really want to concentrate.

When something bad happens, it takes a long time before I can think about anything else.

When I get distracted, I quickly get back on topic.

When I worry about things, I can't think of anything else.

When I set my mind to something, nothing can distract me.

If I get stuck on a task, I think about what the task actually was.

When I want to accomplish something, I try it until I get it done.

I try to stay calm all the time.

Things are often so bad for me that I can hardly stand it.

Please tick the extent to which the sentence applies to you. When I am sad, angry or afraid …

… I tell someone how I feel.

… I think about things that make me happy.

… I do something that I enjoy.

… I think about what I can do.

… I tell myself that the problem is not that bad.

… I try to forget the thing that makes me sad, angry or afraid.

… I try to make the best of it.

… that's fine with me.

… I show that that's how I feel.

… how well you can deal with your feelings?

This is about you and your friends. Please tick the extent to which the sentence applies to you. I have friends…

… who listen to me when I need to tell them something.

… I can talk to about everything.

… who notice when I'm not feeling well.

… who ask me about it when they see that I'm not well.

… who understand my problems.

… who know very well how things are for me during corona.

… who are interested in what I think.

… who care about how I feel.

… who help me when I need help.

… who I can rely on.

… who can give me good advice when I have problems.

… who help me make important decisions.

… who really like me.

… who give me a hug sometimes.

… who like me the way I am.

… who I can do things with.

… who I can have fun with.

… who I love spending time with.

… who I can relax with.

How often do you meet up with your friends after a day at school?

How often do you meet up with your friends?

How often do you meet up with your friends after a day at university, at the apprenticeship, at the training course, at the volunteer service or the honorary position, at work? I would like to see my friends more often.

I feel that I am not really a proper part of my circle of friends.

I feel that my friends are good friends.

… your relationship with your friends?

This is about how you learn, such as at school or in your leisure time.

This is about how you learn, such as at day care centre, school or in your leisure time.

This is about how you learn.

This is about how you learn, such as at university, at the apprenticeship, at the training course, at the voluntary service or honorary position, at work or in your leisure time.

First I think about what I already know and what I don't yet know.

Then I compare what I already know and what I don't yet know with what I want to learn.

I set my own goal for what and how much I want to learn.

If there is something difficult I need to learn, I prefer to start straight away instead of putting it off.

I think carefully about the best way to learn.

Once I have thought about the best way to learn, that's exactly how I do it at first.

While learning, I think about whether there is an even better way to learn.

If, while learning, I notice that there is a better way to learn, I change the way I learn.

When I have a task, I think about whether I have understood it correctly.

At the end, I always check whether I achieved what I set out to do.

When I don't reach my goal, I do everything I can to make it happen.

When I made a mistake, I think about what I can do differently.

I like it when others tell me what I can do better.

Once I decide how much I want to learn, I want to get it done.

If I don't feel like working on a task, I don't bother.

When I don't understand something, I always ask.

I am not easily distracted when I am learning.

I try to be very thorough in my learning.

Before an exam, I take the time to go over everything again.

Please tick the extent to which the sentence applies to you. I am able to…

… assess what I can and cannot do.

… set learning goals for myself.

… assess for myself how far I have come with my learning.

… determine what and how much I want to learn.

… get myself in the mood for learning.

… focus on one thing for a long time if necessary.

… see for myself quite well how good I am at something.

… seek help from others when I need it.

… assess for myself where and how I can learn best.

… assess well who I can learn best with.

… create a good learning environment for myself, such as a quiet workplace and enough breaks.

… monitor myself to see whether I learnt what I wanted to learn.

… choose what I need to learn, such as a book or workbook.

… assess what went well when I was learning and what did not.

… how well you can learn, if it's difficult sometimes?

This is about how you learn.

When I learn things, I think about what it might be useful to me for.

When I learn something, I try to connect it to other things I've already learned.

When I learn something, I imagine examples or visualise it.

As I learn, I memorise as much as I can.

When I learn, I practice by reciting the material again and again.

When I learn, I look at things several times.

When I don't understand something, I look for something that helps me, such as the internet, a book, a notebook.

When I learn something, I ask myself questions to make sure I understand everything.

When I learn, I check to see if I've memorised everything, for example, by telling another person about it.

When I learn, I make summaries of the most important things.

I organise things so I remember them better.

When I learn, I highlight important things.

When I learn, I also talk to other people about it.

When I didn't catch something, I ask others.

When I don't understand something, I ask others for help.

I look for a place to study where I will be disturbed as little as possible.

I take regular breaks when I'm studying.

I study at fixed times.

I keep the place where I study neat and tidy so that I can find things quickly.

I arrange the place where I study such that I enjoy sitting down to study.

… what you do when you want to learn something?

These questions are about how you like to learn.

I want to be responsible for my own learning.

I make an effort even when the subject does not interest me.

I also want to be able to handle difficult and big topics.

Sometimes I just give up when learning gets difficult.

I enjoy learning new things.

It is important to me to know a lot.

When I start learning something, I want to finish it.

If I haven't yet learnt something, I practice with patience and perseverance.

... how much you like to learn?

This is about the things that many people do every day or always at the same time, for example, brushing teeth or exercising. What about you?

Before AUF!leben, were there certain things that you always did at the same time, such as getting up, having breakfast, having dinner, going to bed?

Do you now do certain things always at the same time, such as getting up, having breakfast, having dinner, going to bed?

Please tick everything that you do every day or always at the same time at home. Please tick everything that you do every day or always at the same time. For example: If you used to get ready every morning before AUF!leben, tick "Before AUF!leben". If you do this every day now, tick "Now". If both are true, tick both. If neither is true, tick neither.

Getting ready in the morning, such as choosing clothes, getting dressed, brushing teeth, having breakfast

Shopping and errands, such as supermarket, post office, stationery shop, late-night shop

Preparing food, such as making a sandwich, peeling a banana, cooking or baking

Eating with the family, such as breakfast or dinner

Doing household chores, e.g., making the bed, filling the dishwasher, tidying, taking out the rubbish, setting the table, doing the laundry, taking care of the pet

Body care, such as washing, showering, combing hair or brushing teeth

Spending time alone, such as in your own room

Spending time with family, such as talking about your day, playing games, birthday parties

Saying "hello" and "goodbye" to people in your household, such as when coming home, when going into your room

Get ready for bed, such as brushing teeth, putting on pyjamas, setting the alarm clock, reading, kissing someone goodnight

Please tick everything that you do every day or always at the same time in your spare time.

Before AUF!leben


Playing games, such as computer or video games, jigsaw puzzles, board games

Watching films or series, for example, on YouTube, Netflix, TV, DVD

Reading, for example, books, magazines, comics

Hobbies at home, such as painting, handicrafts, listening to music, playing an instrument, collecting

Hobbies in a club or course, for example, football, karate, dancing, horse riding, swimming, gymnastics, music, art, computers

Chatting to people online, for example, on WhatsApp, Skype, smartphone or computer

Meeting people IRL, for example, in the park, in the yard, at home

Excursions or other activities, such as going to the cinema, restaurant or park, shopping at the shopping centre, visiting the library, having sleepovers

Outdoor activities or excursions to the countryside, such as hiking, cycling, roller skating

Events, such as concerts, sporting events, performances, festivals or parades

Please tick all other things you do every day or always at the same time.

Getting things together for school, for example, packed lunch, pens, toysGetting things together for university, the apprenticeship, the training course, the voluntary service or honorary position, work, for example, packed lunch, pens, toys

Getting things together for the day ahead, for example, packed lunch, pens, toysPreparing things for school, for example, homework, reading, exercisesPreparing things for university, the apprenticeship, the training course, the voluntary service or the honorary position, work, for example, homework, reading, exercises

Preparing things for job search, for example, homework, reading, exercisesCommuting to school, for example, on foot, by bike, by scooter or by bus or train Commuting to university, to the apprenticeship, to the train course, to the voluntary service or honorary position, to work, for example, on foot, by bike, by scooter or by bus or trainExcursions and events, such as parties, concerts or performances, museums

Work groups and clubs at school, for example, sports, music, committees Work groups and clubs at university, at the apprenticeship, at the training course, at the volunteer service or honorary position, at work, for example, sports, music, committees … what your usual day looks like?

This is about corona closures. Many people felt that they are losing touch with the school, friends and leisure time. What was it like for you and what is it like for you now? This is about corona closures. Many people felt that they are losing touch with the day care centre, school, friends and leisure time. What was it like for you and what is it like for you now?

This is about corona closures. Many people felt that they are losing touch with friends and leisure time. What was it like for you and what is it like for you now?

This is about corona closures. Many people felt that they are losing touch with the university, the apprenticeship, the training course, the voluntary service or honorary position, work, friends and leisure time. What was it like for you and what is it like for you now? During the corona closures I felt I was losing touch with…

… the school. … the day care centre/ school.

… the university, the apprenticeship, the training course, the voluntary service or honorary position, work.

… my leisure activities.

… my friends, acquaintances, neighbours and other important people.

Please tick the extent to which the sentence applies to you. I now feel that I am in touch with…

… the school.

… the day care centre/ school.

… the university, the apprenticeship, the training course, the voluntary service or honorary position, work. … my leisure activities.

… my friends, acquaintances, neighbours and other important people.

The following questions are about how you feel at school.

The following questions are about how you feel at day care centre/ school.

The following questions are about how you feel at university, at the apprenticeship, at the training course, at the voluntary service or honorary position, at work. I feel I am part of my school.

I feel I am part of my day care centre/ school. I feel I am part of my university, vocational school (and my company), training course, voluntary service or honorary position, work.

I work hard on my tasks at school.

I work hard on my tasks at university, at the apprenticeship, at the training course, at the voluntary service or honorary position, at work. I like being at school. I like being at university, at the vocational school (and in the company), at the training course, at the voluntary service or honorary position, at work. I am often bored at school. I am often bored at university, at the vocational school (and in the company), at the training course, at the voluntary service or honorary position, at work. I do well at school. I do well at university, at the apprenticeship, at the training course, at the voluntary service or honorary position, at work. I feel safe at school. I feel safe at university, at the vocational school (in the company), at the training course, at the voluntary service or honorary position, at work. I feel that I belong at school. I feel that I belong at university, at the vocational school (in the company), at the training course, at the voluntary service or honorary position, at work. My educators, teachers take care of me. My lecturers, trainers, co-workers take care of me. I like most of the teachers at my school. I like most of the lecturers, trainers, co-workers at my university, vocational school (and in the company), training course, voluntary service or honorary position, work. It is important to me what my teachers think of me.

It is important to me what my lecturers, trainers, co-workers think of me. … how you feel at school?… how you feel at day care centre/ school? … how you feel at university, at the apprenticeship, at the training course, at the voluntary service or honorary position, at work? I feel like I matter to the people that matter to me.

I feel connected to the people who are important to me.

I feel excluded from the people I want to belong to.

I feel like most of the people I spend time with like me.

I have the feeling that the relationships I have are superficial.

I have the feeling that I don't really belong anywhere.

A feel alone.

There are people I can spend time with.

There are people I get along with really well.

There are people I trust completely.

Spending time with my friends is the best part of my day.

My friends and I talk about things that are important to us.

I often argue with my friends.

I know people who are there for me when I need them.

There are people who comfort me when I feel bad.

There are people who encourage me.

I have friends who are good listeners when I want to have a good cry.

I have friends who sometimes give me a hug.

Nobody shares my interests and hobbies.

… how things are going with other people in your life?

Thank you for taking part!



